Healing Arts Gallery WWG Exhibit
September 15 – Submission information due to Yingying Chen at mirthcyy@gmail.com
Include image, title, framed size, artist name and phone number.
October 4 – Deliver work to Gallery
December 6 – Pick up work
September 15 – Submission information due to Yingying Chen at mirthcyy@gmail.com
Include image, title, framed size, artist name and phone number.
October 4 – Deliver work to Gallery
December 6 – Pick up work
July 1, Monday, Open for admissions, http://www.onlinejuriedshows.com
September 2, Monday Entry deadline
September 6, Friday Notification of acceptance via email...
Al is a member of Waterloo and the President of the Watercolor Society of South Texas. He enjoysteaching workshops and recently taught one abroad. He will bring copies of his book for those who are interested. $30Join Al and explore painting and expressing the subject, in a manner fit to watercolor!“This medium allows my art...
Optional continuation of our 47th Annual Fall Show at North Hills. Artists can substitute other paintings if they desire starting October 26.