Art Direct Gallery Exhibit – Submissions Open!

Art Direct Gallery 720 S Bell Blvd Bldg 9A, Cedar Park, Texas, United States

We are now accepting watercolor paintings from members for exhibition at an exciting new venue dedicated to showcasing watercolor art. Art Direct at Cedar Park has expanded into a gallery space, offering a one-stop solution for artists, including art scanning, print services, and more.

Introduction to gouache with Rashmi Thakur – One Day Workshop

St. Matthews Episcopal Church 8134 Mesa Dr., Austin, Texas, United States

Introduction to gouache - painting a still life.Learn how to use opaque watercolors, a versatile medium, to create a stunning still life painting. Here you will learn how to paint many surfaces like glass, transparent glass, fruits and drape. Instructor will guide you to how to do color mixing without making it muddy or chalky.  


47th Annual Spring Member Exhibition 2025

Bee Cave Arts Foundation Hill Country Blvd Suite F160, Austin, Texas, United States

Feb 10 - Open for admissions.
Mar 8 - Entry deadline.
Mar 14 - Notification of acceptance via email.


Lynn Ferris 3-day Workshop

St. Michael's Episcopal Church 1500 North Capital of Texas Highway, Austin, Texas, United States

Lynn Ferris is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, the NationalWatercolor Society, the Transparent Watercolor Society of America. Her work was thesubject of a feature article in Watercolor magazine, can...

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