Witt highway_to_heaven-1200 1st - Highway to Heaven by Carol Sue Witt PestoriousThe Ambasador's House NFS 2nd - The Ambassador's House by Eileen Pestorius Kemp wild_and_free 550 3rd - Wild and Free by Sue Kemp Cutie Pie by Susan Dunning Zwern industrial_illusion-450 Industrial Illusion by Lynn Zwen Wicker countertop_sunflowers-200 Countertop Sunflowers by Priscilla Wicker Schiffgens alsation_cottage_castroville-150 "Alsation Cottage Castroville" - Cindy Schiffgens Powell the_lovers-300 The Lovers by Steffani Powell Polnaszek chai&checkers 500 Chai and Checkers by Jennifer Polnaszek Martin untitled 600_- Untitled by Rusty Martin Gilbert-jazz_bar-200 Jazz Bar by Christine Gilbert